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Friday, February 01, 2013

This Product WILL Change Your Life

Over my lifetime, I’ve tried all different kinds of hair removal – waxing (ouch), plucking (double ouch), shaving (dealable but have to do it too often), depilatory creams (for specific areas of the body, perfect, but not for all), and the ultimate professional laser hair removal (tried a few times but too expensive for my pocketbook, as much as I wanted to continue doing it.

When I first heard of the TRIA, I thought, it’s about time, an at-home laser for hair removal. Finally, I can stop contemplating the Groupons I see for professional laser treatments and put the process in my own hands, literally.

Tria-Beauty-hair-removal-laserThis 9 1/2" tall device is the first FDA-cleared  hair removal mechanism for at-home use. It has 5, what they call, comfort settings so you can set how strong the laser is depending on which area you are treating. The only downside is that it’s not for all skin tones – those with light to medium and naturally brown or black hair will benefit most but those with red, white, gray, or blond hair won’t benefit. Give it time! They’ll come out with one that will treat you too, I’m sure.

So how did this one work? Well, I’ve been using it every two weeks (on Sunday eves) since late November and at this point, I think I have about 70% of the hair on my legs, arms, underarms and bikini area gone or at least significantly slowed its production. It’s odd but a few of the areas seem to have taken to this better than others. Like the 5 or 6 hairs that grow on my two big toes (I inherited this from my dear father) are gone, the hair growth on my legs below the knee has pretty much stopped, with the exception of a stray hair here or there. My underarms have not taken to this as well as I’d hoped but I’m still going to use it every 2 weeks until it stops. I’m determined and what do I have to lose, besides hair?

Choose from Blush or Green for $449 @

Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided for review purposes.

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