Browsing Salon Perfect

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Have You Heard of Colored False Lashes Yet? Ardell's Got You Covered.

By now you’ve heard of color enhancing eye shadows and we now have a new twist to add – color enhancing false eyelashes.

Two I’ve come across are from SALON PERFECT and my beloved ARDELL. Let’s investigate!

Salon Perfect ColorEnhance Lashes – Comes in many different styles and they make full lashes for Brown, Hazel, Green and Blue eyes and their site shows the difference between each style and what color will work best for your eye color. Seems that Wine colored lashes are great for green and blue eyes. Who knew? And each of their lash packs comes with a coordinating eyeliner pencil. $4.38 @ Walmart stores nationwide and

Salon-Perfect-and-Ardell-False-LashesArdell Color Impact Lashes Have you – come in 4 different hues to enhance your eye color and boy will these enhance! The blue is quite bright and the wine lashes are really pretty too. $3.99 to $5.99 @ drugstores nationwide and

Are you a false lash wearer? Will you try these?

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