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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Review+Swatches - Butter London S/S 12 Nail Lacquer Collection

Let’s check into Spring/Summer with BUTTER LONDON Nail Lacquer’s new collection that just came out. I’ve been out of touch with the 3FREE brand for a few so I didn’t know that they had finally changed the way the cap is. It used to not pop off to reveal the round top you hold to apply the polish. So much easier and I did point this out in one of the last features I did on the brand.

Anyway, this current collection is popping with bright colors and softer opaques. The two I tried here were so up my alley, it was creepy, and I can’t even decide which is my favorite.

Wanna see swatches and close ups? How about some really cool new nail art that's easy to use? Click after the pic!


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