Browsing L'Oreal

Friday, October 25, 2013

What You Need for a Weekend Getaway


What-Makes-for-a-Good-smallNow that summer has wound down, so have the vacations. But we still want to go on those getaways, if only for a weekend but how many times have you forgotten something?

Here are some essentials you should pack before hitting the road next time:

Makeup Bag - SEPHORA COLLECTION The High Roller ($48 @ – this one had velcro’d in see-through makeup bags inside that you can store all your weekend items. Unroll it and hang it from the door with its built-in hanger to see all your items at one time.

Hair Volumizer - TAYA Amazon White Clay & Acacia Collagen Hair Plumper ($24/8oz @ – no matter where I travel, I seem to bring my flat hair with me but this one seem to keep the case of the permanent flatsies at bay. The combo of a mousse and hairspray in one helps give hair volume and hold.

Nude Lippie - HOURGLASS COSMETICS Femme Nude Lip Stylo in Nude No. 5 ($30 @ – I love a lip balm when I’m traveling but I also need a little color or rather polish to my look, so what better way then with a nude lippie?

Sun Protection for Hair - L’OREAL Everpure UV Protect Spray in Rosemary Mint ($8.99/8.5oz @ and drugstores nationwide) – since going full on red, as in redhead, I am super protective from keep it true as long as possible. The sun can wreak havoc on hair color, so do yourself a favor, if you’re not wearing a hat, spray on this protective “hat” of sunscreen. You spend good money on your hair color so shouldn’t you make it last?

Sun Protection for Skin - COPPERTONE Faces Sensitive Skin Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 ($9.89/2oz @ – no matter what time of year it is, You. Need. Sunscreen! Sometimes sunscreens can sting but this one is formulated for sensitive skins and doesn’t leave a white hue behind.

Deodorant/Antiperspirant - CERTAIN DRI Antiperspirant Roll-On for Excessive Perspiration ($6.29/1.2oz @ – I’ve tried sooooo many out there and at the end of the day, this seems to be the only one that works and works consistently.

Cheek Color - NARS Multiple in Portofino ($39 @ – I find that a medium coral on cheeks looks swell any time of year and is unexpected in the fall to winter months. And it makes me look wide awake than I may be feeling.  

Face Mist - NEAL’S YARD REMEDIES White Tea Facial Mist ($19/1.52oz @ - to soothe skin with the possible climate changes. No matter what time of year, I like to have a face mist on hand and this contains 92% organic ingredients. 

Disclosure: Some of these items were provided for review purposes. Some I bought.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring Color Must Haves

Bright pinks, reds, corals, nude and even seafoam are all hot colors for the spring. What are you updating your collection with this season? Here are my favorites right now. (L to R clockwise).

Spring-Color-Must-Haves-2013L’OREAL Infallible Liquid Eyeliner ($8.95 @ – When they come out with anything Infallible, I listen! A black liquid liner is very basic and crosses all seasons. This .4mm felt tip pen is pretty easy to apply and lasts for hours.

NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner in Barrow Street ($24 @ – I’m pretty obsessed with this seafoam green color. I have two dressed in the color and jumped for joy when I saw this liner in the same color. And it looks great on the waterline!

NAKED PRINCESS Naked Shine Luscious Lip Gloss in Barely Naked ($26 @ – a great nude gloss is hard to find since most don’t show up. This one does, in spades but oh so naturally.

Buxom Hot Escapes Bronzer in Tahiti ($28 @ – what would the season be without a face highlighting bronzer? I’ve been using this golden bronze color just under my cheek bones to help define them. 

BENEFIT Ultra Plush Lip Gloss in Poutrageous! ($16 @ – coral is not going anywhere this season and it’s hotter than ever, so if you’re feeling up to making a statement, take on this bright pink-coral color.

ZOYA PixieDust Nail Lacquer in Godiva ($10 @ – textured polishes are so hot right now and this PixieDust kind from Zoya are at the top of the list of must-haves. This Godiva one described as a soft nude with sugared sparkle. Yup, that’s exactly what it looks like on nails.

SEPHORA Colorful Eye Shadow in My Boyfriend’s Jeans No 19 ($13 @ – this dark denim with just a touch of shimmer blue is a nice alternative to always using black to contour your eyes.

Disclosure: Some of these items were provided for review purposes. Some I bought.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Review+Swatches - L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows - The Neutrals

Let’s take a look at the neutral eye shadows from L’OREAL’s new Infallible Eyeshadows ($7.99 @ I'm giving them some big love due to the quality and longevity!



Click here to read more

Monday, February 06, 2012

Review+Swatches - L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows - The Colors

So I picked my favorite shade, or what I thought was my favorite last week from L’OREAL’s new Infallible Eyeshadows ($7.99 @ and I might have spoken too soon.


Click here to read more

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Review+Swatches - L'Oreal Infallible Eye Shadow in Midnight Blue

I am all about L’OREAL’s Infallible products. They just stay like no other so when I saw that they now have Infallible Eye Shadows ($7.99 @ in an array of colors, I jumped to try them. I mean, isn’t that what makeup is all about? Wearable colors that stay put? Anyway, the first one I laid eyes on was 88 Midnight Blue and I’m dedicating one whole feature to it as it’s love.


Click here to read more

Monday, February 14, 2011

A New L'Oreal Infallible Lippie Collection

L'Oreal-Infallible-Le-Rouge-Lipcolor Another day, another L’OREAL PARIS Infallible Collection! These Infallible Le Rouge lippies are some of my favorites right now and they are quite different from these in a few ways. First they are really moisturizing that I can feel it when I smack my lips together. It contains Color Fix technology, which is a flexible polymer that gives it greater adhesion that won’t flake. And it doesn’t!

They claim 10-hours of lasting color but I wouldn’t go that far but yes on a couple of moisturizing hours, which in my book is worth it. Color picks L to R: #312 Ravishing Red, #423 Perpetual Peach and #138 Forever Fuschia. $9.99 @

Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided to for review purposes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Took Me So Long to Discover L'Oreal Paris' Infallible Lipcolours?

The more lip glosses I try the more I realize how kind of amazing these are at staying on lips. So of course I have to wonder what took me so long to discover their, L’OREAL PARIS, Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour Compact. Uh-maze-ing! Not only does the color stay on for hours but it doesn’t flake or smear off. I think we’ve all tried something like this by now and most seem to stay for a little while but eventually come off and usually by flaking dryly off. These did make my lips a little on the dry but that’s after I took it off after wearing it for 8 or so hours, so that was ok in my book!


L'Oreal-Paris-Infallible-Lipcolor-in-Beyonce If you’re not familiar with how these work, one side is the color and it’s like a paint and not thick and waxy at all like a lipstick. The other tube in the duo is a clear chapstick-type of glosser, they call a conditioning topcoat. So when the color needs to be refreshed, just reapply the topcoat, not the color again.


Dare I say that I think they are better than these? I think they just might be!


And the container acts like a mirror. Nice added bonus!


They just came out with their Stars Never Fail Lipcolour Compact Collection ($11.99 @ or drugstores nationwide) and I’ve got a set to giveaway to one lucky reader. The colors are: Beyoncé (Beyoncé’s Red), Andie MacDowell (Andie’s Rose), Diane Keaton (Diane’s Tuberose), Eva Longoria Parker (Eva’s Caramel), Kate del Castillo (Kate’s Plum) and Linda Evangelista (Linda’s Beige).


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Let's Talk Hair with L'Oreal & Phyto

L'Oreal-EverPure-UV-Protect-Spray-Phyto-Phytomist Speaking of sprays, how about two made just for strands?


L’OREAL EverPure UV Protecting Spray ($8.99/8.5oz @ If you color your hair and you’re hitting the beach this summer, this is a must-have product! It’s sulfate-free (duh, would hope it would be) and contains UV filters to keep the sun from changing your hair color.


This product contains Methyl Parabens, which is considered by some as an ingredient of concern. Read more here. Read my ingredient disclaimer here.


PHYTO Phytomist ($26/5oz @ – made just for dehydrated hair, which can happen from coloring or perming (perming?? Like pantyhose, will the perm ever come back into fashion?!), this uses botanicals to help prevent oxidation. FYI, it has silicones in it.

Disclosure: One of these items was provided to for review purposes. One I bought.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Two Makeup Primer Recommendations

Makeup primers are all the rage and more lines are coming out with them for the face and eyelids. And now that’s it’s starting to get hotter around the globe, there’s no time like the present to try one out to keep your makeup where you put it. Here are two that are sticking around my face these days.


SMASHBOX Photo Finish Lid Primer in Golden Nude ($20 @ from the Naked Beauty Collection is beautifully tinted in a shimmering nude shade. And this one is not just about helping your shadow stay on the lid longer. It also has ingredients to keep the skin moisturized and to help diminish lines on the lid. How do they fit all of that into this little tube?


L’OREAL Paris Studio Secrets Professional Magic Perfecting Base ($12.95/.5oz @ has got quite a buzz on it and it seems to be moving to the top of a lot of beauty buff’s must have list. And I think I pretty much agree. It really creates a smooth canvas on the skin prepping it for foundation or powder and makes my skin oh-so-soft.
The only improvement is that I am not really partial to sticking my looks-clean-but-is-probably-not finger into the jar every time to get some. Yes, I could use a little scoop but I really seem to like mine in a tube or wand.


Disclosure: Samples of these items were provided to for review purposes.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Roll It on with the Latest from L'Oreal

L'Oreal-True-Match-Roller I love trying out a new way to put on makeup. Take L’OREAL’s new True Match Roller Perfecting Roll On Makeup ($14.99 @ for example. It comes with a roller that rolls the foundation around your face. Think of it as one of those roller brushes that is used to roll paint out on a wall – it picks up the paint and then rolls out an even amount on the wall. That’s exactly what this one does! And you can roll on your coverage as little or as much as you want but I'd say one swipe give you about a medium. How I’ve been using this one is to roll it out over my face and then using a brush to get it in the crevices. Available in 12 shades.


Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided to for review purposes.


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