Bright Eyed & Bushy Tailed with Hylexin
For those of us cursed with dark circles, ones that keep us concealer-crazed because we couldn’t fathom leaving the house without hiding them, there’s finally hope on the horizon with HYLEXIN. If you were about to give up because nothing has ever worked, you must try this one. This formula seems to cure the problem, not mask it. I’ve been applying Hylexin twice daily for the last 7 weeks now and my circles have absolutely started to fade. I’m guessing the difference is dramatic because many have remarked how well rested I look lately, ha, they should only know. Miracles do occur and it’s inside this .78oz tube. How does it work? Well, we don't claim to be chemists at Cybelesays. We just know when something does the job right. Yes, it’s a little pricey but very little is needed per application and how can you put a price tag on ridding yourself of raccoon eyes? $95 @,