Browsing Hair Flairs

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hair Pizzazz with Hair Flairs

Hair-Flairs Have you seen anyone wearing these HAIR FLAIRS Feathers yet? You probably have. I was in Victoria’s Secret last night up at The Grove and I saw a woman who must have been in her late 40’s wearing them. Now I don’t think that is too old by any means, but when it hits that age group, you have to wonder how big a trend is going to be! I first experienced them at this show and I was able to try some of the feathers in my hair. If you’re not familiar with them, these feather extensions are a real and once in your hair, you can wash, flat-iron, or even curl your hair with them in! And they are reusable.

So how does it work? You use a threading needle to grab a 1/8th section or so of hair, insert the feather/s, insert the micro-link bead, crimp it all closed and voila. And removing is as easy as uncrimping the bead and sliding the feathers out. 8 skinny or wide feathers for $22 and they also sell the crimpers, threading tool and micro-links on their @ site.

Also check out the hair tinsel and hair crystals they sell!

Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided for review purposes.

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