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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Take Care of Your Skin in 2016!

Make 2016 the year you take care of your skin. I know I am and here are three I’ve been using to start my year off right.

EXCIPIAL 20% Intensive Healing Cream
($15.99/3.7oz @ – This brand just hit shelves this past fall and comes from the makers of Cetaphil. This cream has been keeping the dryness away from my seemingly always dry parts like my feet, elbows and knees. I love that it’s not greasy at all.

BRANDT PoreDermabrasion Pore Perfecting Exfoliator ($58/2oz @ – I’m lucky that I don’t have big pores so maybe this one isn’t quite for me but I found that it exfoliated my skin beautifully. This one uses both physical exfoliators and chemical ones in the formula.

HAND CHEMISTRY Intensive Youth Complex $20/3.3oz @ – I have high expectations when it comes to my hand creams. I mean, why shouldn’t they do double, triple or even octuple duty like our face creams? This one does! Brightness, hydration, elasticity, texture and other things the skin on your hands dreams up.

Disclosure: Samples of these items were provided for review purposes.

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