Browsing Dermaflash

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dermaflash 2.0 Luxe

When I first heard of dermaplaning, I didn’t even know that I had had it done before. My eyebrow girl used to do it to my face once in a while when I had my eyebrows done and only when I tried the DERMAFLASH original back in 2016, did I put the name and the process together.

What It Is: a physical exfoliation procedure using a surgical scalpel to shave the skin’s surface, not only removing the peach fuzz, what’s also called vellus hair, but also the top-most layer of dead skin. It’s become quite common place and it’s a great way to safely remove hair and it makes the skin so soft and makeup look so perfect afterwards!


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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Remove Fuzz & Exfoliate w/Dermaflash

Are you interested in learning about how to exfoliate your face in the best way possible? Remove Fuzz & Exfoliate w/Dermaflash!

Are you interested in learning about how to exfoliate your face in the best way possible? Remove Fuzz & Exfoliate w/Dermaflash!

Have you heard about the whole shaving-your-face trend? It seems to not only remove peach fuzz but it’s also for exfoliating the skin. Overall, it does seem a tad strange and while I don’t want to admit it, I do have some peach fuzz on my face now that I’m over 40. And when I see it most is when using a face mist and I use them often so I know it’s there.

Remove Fuzz & Exfoliate w/Dermaflash

But of course I have some questions about removing the hair on my face in general. Is it true that if I shave it somehow, won’t it come back thicker and more pronounced? From what I can tell, that is an old wives tale.

Enter DERMAFLASH Facial Exfoliation Device ($189 @,, This is a 3-step process that will remove the peach fuzz and exfoliate your skin at the same time.


Click here to read more

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