Browsing BUTTERelixir

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Clean & Sleek with BUTTERelixir

I love when a line comes along and puts a spin on using-oils-in-beauty-products, as in, no fillers! From what I’ve seen, many products on the shelves contain silicones along with the oils but you’d never know it from the name of the products or the words “natural” and “organic” thrown around. Then when you get home and look at the ingredient list, BAM, fillers!

BUTTER ELIXIR is not that line. Created in NYC, the brand is comprised of 7 products and the ingredient list for each is clean and straight forward. Here are the two I tried:


BUTTERelixir Lip ($12/.25oz) – Ingredients: soy bean oil, sunflower oil, bees wax, hemp oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, cacao butter, shea butter, vitamin E, aloe vera, argan oil, vanilla and cardamom.

BUTTERelixir Body + Hair Oil ($35/3oz) – ingredients: sweet almond oil, lavender and chamomile fragrance oil.

Something I don’t see listed on the products is an expiration date. Maybe one of the ingredients also acts as a preservative? At the rate I’m going at using both of these, they won’t have time to expire.

Both @

Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided for review purposes.

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