Monday, August 05, 2019

Physicians Formula Mineral Wear 3-in-1 Setting Powder

I’ve been traveling quite a bit this summer so paring down the amount of makeup I take with me has been a must. One that is great just for travel is this PHYSICIANS FORMULA Mineral Wear 3-in-1 Setting Powder ($15.99 @,

As the name states, it’s a 3-in-1 of the face’s necessities:

Set (translucent setting powder).

Bright (the pink shade) will brighten up under the eyes and give your skin a glow.

Bake (the yellow powder) for helping concealer to set under the eyes and not crawl into wrinkles.




So use one or all three! Just tap-tap our the amount you need (I like using the screw-on top for the receptacle while I swirl it on my powder brush) and know that all three powders are talc-free, super finely milled, and work wonderfully.


Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided for review purposes.


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