Getting Acquainted with Charlotte's Web #ad
Now that's we've passed Daylight Savings Time and are on our way to Spring, I just pulled out my blender. I try to curb the comfort food when the temps go up and drink at least one green shake every day. And the best part is trying out different greens like all the varieties of kale available as well as the supplements I can add to the shake. One ingredient I was recently introduced to for my shakes is cannabinoids or CBD. It’s derived from hemp and contains major vitamins and nutrients like Omegas 3, 6 and 9 found in fish in a bottle.
Studies have shown that CBD promotes increased cognitive functioning so why not give it a shot?!
The one I’ve been using in my shakes is CW Botanicals Hemp Extract in Mint Chocolate Chip and it smells just like the famous Thin Mint cookies!
Here is the recipe I’ve been mixing up with it:
Green Minty Goodness
- 2 Ice cubes
- 1 cup fresh greens
- 1.5 cup banana
- ¼ cup nuts (using Chia Seeds in this one)
- 1 cup milk
- 1 Tbsp cocoa powder
- ¼ tsp Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract
And I love the CW Botanicals grows and manufactures their hemp/CBD product all under one helmet. I think it's important to know where the products you use are coming from, right?
Pick up a bottle on their site and they now ship to all 50 states. Check out more about all their hemp-rich products here on their website @, follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Most people don't know that in 2003 the US Government patented Cannabinoids as Neuro-Protectants and Anti-Oxidents. This is evidence of the potential power in the use of products derived from the Cannabis plant, such as CBD-Rich Hemp.
CW Botanicals is the only hemp oil derived exclusively from the proprietary CBD-Rich Charlotte's Web™ hemp. CW Botanicals is the exclusive provider of premium Charlotte’s Web™ products made from our proprietary hemp genetics, grown internationally as well as in Colorado. Our products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CW Botanicals. The opinions and text are all mine.