Beauty products that promise us healthy skin and to slow the signs of aging will always exist but have you ever thought about anti-aging hair care products? Actually, I think I have, one time. Though I can’t remember the brand, I do remember hearing about how our hair ages as it gets longer and blah, blah, blah… have no idea what happened to the line or what their name was.
Anyway, a new brand of hair products by the name HEALTHILOCKS has risen amongst us and distinguishes themselves as the “ultimate in anti-aging hair care & repair.” The products were created to complement an in-salon treatment that goes by the same name and repairs the hair by adding a safe healthy protein, called PlexProtein, to strands. This protein coats the hair and retains water, which is good in this case, so no more dry fly-aways! See their site here to find a salon near you that does the Healthilocks procedure.
Now I have not had the treatment but I’m sure liking the products as they seem to really soften and tame my flyaways better than the shampoos and conditioners I’ve been using of late. And with the humidity being sucked out of the air right now, my hair needs to extra TLC this trio brings.
Healthilocks Daily Shampoo $22/7oz
Healthilocks Daily Conditioner $24/7oz
Healthilocks Leave in Conditioner $38/3oz
Also in the line not shown here is a Heathilocks Hair Clarifier available so check out their site @ for more info about the line.
Disclosure: Samples of these items were provided for review purposes.
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