Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is There an Alternative to Petroleum Jelly? Yes, Waxelene!

I have a friend that carries a small plastic jar of a well-known petroleum jelly with her wherever she goes and is constantly applying it. So when I got hold of WAXELENE, I knew we would have to have an immediate meet up so I could have her try it; not so much so she could put something better on her lips but more so that I didn't have to watch her slap it on every 5 minutes! Ha!

What I also found out when we discussed the issue is that she has a tube or tub of something similar to the aforementioned in just about every nook and cranny around her – the car, the drawer in the coffee table and even a stash in her trunk just in case she runs out.

Waxelene-The-Petroleum-Jelly-Alternative Waxelene-The-Petroleum-Jelly-Alternative-and-a-smaller-container

Waxelene-The-Petroleum-Jelly-Alternative-and-a-smaller-container-2So we learned about Waxlene together. It’s made up of 4 ingredients – Organic Soybean Oil, 100% Natural Beeswax, 100% Natural Vitamin E Oil and Organic Rosemary Oil. That’s it!  

Waxelene-The-Petroleum-Jelly-Alternative-ingredients Waxelene-The-Petroleum-Jelly-Alternative-infoSo while we drank our coffee on this outing, we slathered it on our cuticles, the backs of our hands and of course lips and I scooped some out of my container into an empty one so she could try it out. When I checked back with her one week later, she said, and I quote, “…it seems to work very similar (to the petroleum-based products) but without the unnecessary chemicals.” I think we have a winner! $6.99/2oz, $15.99/9oz @ and now your local CVS stores nationwide.



I think it is really nice than petroleum jelly because its ingredient are really better for skin health like vitamin E helps to improve the skin texture and rose marry oil helps for skin tone.

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