Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Cover FX Gets Pressed with Their Mineral Foundation

Cover-FX-Pressed-Mineral-FoundationNew from the COVER FX line is their Pressed Mineral Foundation and this is only the second press mineral foundation I have ever tried, so I guess it’s hard to make a mineral foundation powder in a press form … or am I reading too much into this?!

Anyway, I just love the coverage I get from mineral foundations and a pressed formula is much more convenient to tote around than the loose version.

And is it shallow to be in love with the application sponge? Love when a company splurges in this department!

This pressed one is a medium to full coverage and is available in 24 different shades and you can find your perfect match just by knowing what your undertones are (google it) and then use that info to find your shade: P = Pink, N = Neutral and G = Golden. I think that if there is any part of beauty that is confusing, it’s the whole, “What are your undertones?” part but once you have that down, the rest is pretty easy. $35 @ and


Benny Starr

Its great! Its really nice that we mineral foundation is being discovered. Great one!

anti aging


Looks nice!

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