Monday, February 20, 2012

Hall of Fame *review* Mally Beauty Get Cheeky Blush

Mally-Beauty-Get-Cheeky-Dewy-BlushMally Beauty Get Cheeky Dewy Blush – Hall of Fame Worthy?

Pros – great gel cheek color.
Cons – pricey.

Does it stay in the Hall of Fame?


I’ve found others along the same lines that use the same kind of concept and come in an easier to use stick form.




Thanks for the great review! I love the color, too bad it got the big X. I just wanted to make sure that you received my e-mail in regards to winning the RSVP Bare Essentials Kit. I sent you my address yesterday and wanted to make sure you got it within 48 hours! Thanks so much!!!


The colour is amazing!

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