Cybelesays Special Report – Keratin Express Blow Out
As the drama continues to rage on with Brazilian Blowouts (calling it a BBO for the sake of this feature) or whatever name they are going by in your neck of the woods, more companies are coming up with alternatives to the nasty chemicals they use. I mean, I’ve heard of quite a few salons that are turning the other cheek until something solid comes down because it is a huge money maker for them but I’m hoping you will consider this one and this one as alternatives Because at the end of the day, anything that’s going to eliminate frizz, I’m down with.
I recently had the Keratin Express Blow Out over at the B2V Salon in Beverly Hills and this is considered a friendlier version of the hair defrizz because it uses no harsh chemicals. But the drawback is that it only lasts up to 6 weeks. It’s also not going to set you far back as the traditional one as it’s only $100 and only take about 1 hour to do. So there are a lot of pluses for this one and very few minuses.
It an in-salon treatment that infuses natural keratin deep into the hair cuticle to smooth it so it not only keeps frizz at bay, it also makes strands really shiny. Essentially this chemical-free process is like a super conditioner that deposits protein back into the hair.
One thing to keep in mind – this hair treatment is not a straightener. I know the traditional BBO is also considered a hair straightener but this one for sure does not. I mean, when I had the BBO, I could put my hair on top of my head at night, wake up, let it down and no kinks but with this one, yup, kinks, but no frizz, so just something to make note of.
In order to keep locks smooth for as long as possible, pick up their Keratin Color Care Shampoo ($21/13.5oz), Keratin Color Care Conditioner ($21/13.5oz) and the Infusion Keratin Replenisher ($32/1.7oz, $41/3.4oz). And the brand just came out with a bunch of styling products like a Flex Flow Finishing Hairspray, Lock Launder Strengthening Dry Shampoo and a Volumizing Dry Shampoo Lift Powder that comes in three colors that I have on deck to try. Will keep you posted!
Find a salon that offers it in your area @ and book yours during your next lunch hour.
This service was provided to me gratis.
Love the blog!
Posted by: Fashion Munster | Saturday, October 08, 2011 at 01:21 PM