MAC Wonder Woman Collection
What it is: M∙A∙C Spring Colour 2011 is the feminine force that saves the day! No nemesis can match her super-sized Mineralize Skinfinish, Eye Shadows, Lipsticks and Powder Blush for this transformation! Our Artists work wonders every day - now with the help of one of the most exciting feminist figures...
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My take: I was really excited for this collection to come out. I mean, who wasn’t a fan growing up watching Wonder Woman fight off bad guys week after week. So how do I like the collection? It’s only ok. Not a lot of new colors, just repeats of quite a few of them. And the Lipglasses are fat as in wider than usual. I also like the Powder Blush with two colors inside and the Mineralize Skinfinsh. More bang for the buck!
They also put out some fun bright makeup bags with a nice large a huge Wonder Woman zipper pulls. So fun!
Product picks: Powder Blush in Amazon Princess (bright yellow pink/deep blue pink with gold pearl, satin), Penultimate Eye Liner in Rapidblack, Reflects Glitter in Reflects Bronze (sparkling rich gold), Mineralize Skinfinish in Pink Power (peachy rose w/pink shimmer, soft rosy bronze, soft shell pink w/fine shimmer), Lipglass in Wonder Woman (bright red w/soft pearl), Athena’s Kiss (bright blue fuchsia), Secret Identity (mid-tone copper w/soft pearl), Lipstick in Marquise d’ (sandy cream peach, luster) and Russian Red (intense bluish-red, matte). All @
Disclosure: Samples of these items were provided to for review purposes.