Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paddywax Pays Tribute to Some of the Greats

Paddywax-Library-Collection-of-Candles When I was in college, I took the mandatory literature classes but come senior year, I wanted a relatively easy semester and decided to forgo the Shakespeare class given by one of my favorite teachers, Meera Tamaya. And as you can probably guess since I am mentioning it in the post, I do regret it to this day! She was just one of those teachers.

At this point, I guess the least I can do is dedicate this review to her and what better way than with the PADDYWAX Library Collection. Now that I’ve burned these two down to their nubs, I’m onto the next candle. There are five different scent collections that pay homage to some influential writers – Jane Austen (gardenia, tuberose, jasmine. Love this one!!), Edgar Allen Poe (cardamom, absinthe, sandalwood), Walt Whitman (grass, thyme, red clover) and Henry David Thoreau (cedar, moss, juniper). And the packaging is also just so fitting with the schoolbook looking matte colors and each bestows some of their famous quotes on the outside. Choose from a glass packed candle, a travel tin candle or a diffuser. So here’s to you Ms. Meera Tamaya! $25/9oz/glass container, $28/4oz/Diffuser, $8/2-wick travel tin candle @

Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided to for review purposes.


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