Sunday, July 18, 2010

Can Aromafloria Fix Feet?


Aromafloria-For-Feet's-Sake-Spa-Foot-Scrub-and-Foot-Butter I forgot how much I love the AROMAFLORIA line as I’ve been out of touch with the line lately. It wasn’t until I needed a foot perk-me-up that I was led back again and their For Feet’s Sake line is getting top honors from me. Each of the four products is made with organic oils of tea tree and spearmint. Mmm! And like all their products, I don’t have to worry about bad ingredients hiding in them like I do nowadays. Take the Foot Scrub for example, the first ingredient listed is organic sugar cane and it also has rosemary, peppermint and eucalyptus oils. And the Double Action Spa Foot Scrub ($10.50/6oz) and Intense Repair Spa Foot Butter ($10.50/4oz) smell just like spearmint gum! And who doesn't love that scent?


Also available: Perfectly Soft Spa Foot Soak ($10.50/10.5oz) and Refreshing Spa Foot & Let Mist ($10/4oz). Big recommendation! All @



Disclosure: Samples of these items were provided to for review purposes.


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