Monday, April 12, 2010

A New Addition to the Hall of Fame - White Sands

White-Sands-Stuck-Up-styling-spray Trophy Do you ever really find a product you like and use it, have fun, etc, and then forget about it? A video I watched by rosebud143 reminded me of the WHITE SANDS line and this product that I wrote about a while ago. Since my hair is really getting long (well past my shoulders now), I’m able to curl it and go for the loose waves look more often and so I’ve been revisiting their Stuck-Up Mega Hold Styling Spray and I feel like I am discovering it for the first time! And I have not found one to do the same thing since. Imagine being able to apply your spray to your hair before applying the heat from a flat iron or curling iron. Such hold and it helps your curls last longer than they normally would and without looking crunchy.


I have two things going on with Stuck-Up – first is I am adding to the Hall of Fame – yes, it’s that good.


And second is, I have 10 cans to giveaway to you so enter below and good luck!


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