Monday, July 27, 2009

Save Your Strands With ThermaFuse

ThermaFuse-Heatsmart-Serum-Dry-Oil-Treatment It’s been so hot the last few weeks that the last thing I want to do is turn the hair dryer on but I was so curious about THERMAFUSE’s new Heatsmart Serum Dry Oil Treatment ($19/2oz @ for a salon near you) I just had to. It's a blend of three proven good-for-hair organic oils – Argan, Acai and Flaxseed. Who is this one made for? Those who need a little hair repair and for those with frizzies, which seems to be all of us.

Apply it to dry hair as a hair finisher or as I like to, right before blow drying. The heat really helps the oils do their work and beautifully. And if you are like me and love the smell of products, they infused it with a vanilla musk scent.



Vanilla Musk scent?? Sold. I'll take 100. :D

Crystal - Beauty or Bust

This looks great! I recently bleached/dyed my hair, so it's in need of some repairing! Great post!

Jeannie Ingram

The new Heat Smart Serum from Thermafuse, has been an absolute must in my beach bag for this summer. With naturally curly hair the dry oil leaves me smooth and polished, and as an added bonus the heatsmart complex in this treatment not only protects my hair but actually uses the heat of the summer sun to repair damage from the inside out.

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