Friday, June 19, 2009

Lavilin Keeps Sweaty Feet Away

Lately, I’ve been feeling like the only one that suffers from foot sweat and stink. I know, how lady-like is this topic? With some shoes, you just can’t wear socks or tiny peds or, god forbid, nylons. Bare is the only way to go with most of my summer shoes and have I got your solution to feet that tend to moisten up in shoes - LAVILIN Foot Deodorant Cream. One application keeps your feet virtually sweat-free for one week and this Lavilin-Hypo-Allergenic-Foot-Deodorant one doesn’t have any strange chemicals or aluminum to keep them that way. All you do is swipe some of the white cream on the ball of your foot from the middle to where the toes start, wait for about 5 minutes for it to absorb and you are ready to go. They recommend you apply it at night so it has time to work its magic. And the reason I say that it kept my feet virtually sweat-free is that my feet felt warm in my shoes but I don’t think they were sweating or it they did, it was very minimal. Great product.


And what a great deal the site has - $1 for a trial size and good for at least 2 or 3 applications or $16 for 2oz, which should last you months.


They also have one for underarms but I have not tried it out yet. I’ll get back to you! Or you can read up on both products @




Thanks for posting about this! I have sweaty feet and it's just terrible! :( I've been using Avon's Antifungal foot spray, and that helps with the smell, but not so much with the actual sweating. I'm definitely going to have to check this one out!


I know! Isn't it great that there's even a product for us? Good stuff.

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