Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's Beginning To SMELL A Lot Like Christmas

Dionis-Ginger-Mint Part of the holiday season that I love are the scents like pine and peppermint. It just makes me want to grab Lucy (the cat) and go snuggle in a big blanket! So when DIONISGinger Mint Collection flew onto my desk, I was delighted to try them out. It’s totally on with any of these:


Sugar Scrub ($5.99/8oz), Hand Cream ($8.99/4oz), Three-In-One Shampoo/Body Wash/Bubble Bath ($12/99/16oz), Body Lotion ($9.99/8oz) and Lip Gloss ($4.99/.5oz tube).


This collection is limited edition so get it while it’s hot! All @





I would love to try the sugar scrub. I am a big fan of scrubs in the winter time since they do such a great job sloughing off all that dry skin.


I wish my girls were little again. They would have loved tubbie time with the great gingerbread man smells. Oops! They might have thought he got caught in the water when running away! :---)))

Vickie Couturier

I have almost 9 yr old grandaughter that this would be perfect for,just the right scent an type,I see too many little girls with grownup clothes an perfume,something thatI didnt get until I was 16 ,they dont have anythign to look forward too,so I love the fact that a young girl can have something thats right for her,thanks


it really is the best time of the year!
i love being festive and smelling the part just as much as looking it

putting up christmas decorations and having the house snmell like fresh gingerbread of something of that sort just puts everyone in a good mood!
thanks :)

Rochelle K

I agree 100% that the holidays bring some of the best and most comforting smells in the world. There's nothing better than the smell of sugar cookies baking in the oven and the Christmas tree in the living room (I may be Jewish but I always had a Christmas tree growing up - What can I say? My dad spoiled me).

Jackie B.

I would love to try these products. They would also make great Christmas gifts---the price is very affordable.


I love how sophisticated even ordinary scents are becoming. Ginger and mint together- sounds like holiday comfort and sparkle at the same time!

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