Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spornette Sure Knows Hair!

SpornetteitaliancollectioWe @ Cybelesays have tried many-a hairbrush. Think about it. You got your paddle, round, boars hair, plastic bristle and on and on. And for styling? Each aforementioned style seems to get their day in the sun, or rather, under the dryer but this one from SPORTNETTE’s Italian collection is really taking the cake right now. And it’s so basic it’s scary. It combines all the good qualities that make for a good round styling hairbrush – smooth surfaced handle with no places to catch your hair, bristled hourglass shape that helps hold the hair and prevent tangles. And this one uses boars hair bristles reinforced with nylon bristles. The Italian collection is part of the new Concavia collection and there are three sizes to choose from. For overall styling I like the 3” barrel diameter size of #855 ($24) but the smaller 2 ¼” #854 ($20) and 2” #856 ($19) ones are for those with shorter hair and if you are pretty good at wielding them around. Any of these will help bring the pro out of you! All @



This is a great recommendation! My boyfriend has hair longer than mine and fine and tangly. I keep telling him that the brush makes all the difference but I didn't know WHICH! I think I'll add this in his stocking as you say it holds onto hair and prevents pulling it out. I know....but it's all true!

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