Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I’m On The Minerals And Can’t Get Off

Youngblood_3All foundations seem to pale in comparison since I discovered mineral makeup a few years ago. It’s easy and quick to apply and really looks natural. I’ve only come across one other liquid mineral foundation, Illuminare, and I loved it, so I was really open to this liquid one from YOUNGBLOOD. Their Liquid Mineral Foundation just came out and it is infused with Reduced Salt Deep-Sea Water and also Calendula, Cucumber and Green Tea to name a few. Let’s talk about what you see and feel.


See = nothing


Feel = nothing


Like it’s supposed to, it really does feel like I don’t have anything on my face and it evens out my skin tone beautifully. So I guess you could say I'm going au-natural! $39.95/1oz @



wow, I've never heard of mineral makeup in the liquid form before. and never would have thought it would have existed. I wonder if this will become a new trend. thanks Cybelesays!


I think we will start seeing minerals used in all sorts of products. So excited to see what they will come up with next!

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